My Services

I meet every client where they are at. My goal is to get you connected to your truest most beautiful life. Work with me for a custom designed program aimed at your most authentic, beautiful life. We start with where you’re at and what’s not working and get to your truest, most authentic life and design the roadmap to get you on that journey.

We create a custom designed map that is a blend of Somatic, Mindfulness, Narrative, and Expressive Art Interventions that support new habits and positive change. I use a process that starts with a mindful approach, and blends ancient wisdom with science, to create a growth experience (depending on what your asking is) designed to help you navigate transition, seek and gain wisdom, heal, thrive, develop a wider lens of what’s possible, get more into a better alignment with the essence of who you are, or simply cope in healthier ways.  





MIndfulness DIscovery Session (60) Minutes

Family Packages

Mindful Child or Teen Package: Mindfulness skills for youth. 10 individual 50 min. sessions and 2- 30 min. parent consults.

Family Circle Package—Focused on Family Strengthening. 12 75 minute sessions

Mindfulness Packages

How Shingebiss Survives Winter Individual Package: Focused on applying Mindfulness to activities that support a healthy rhythm and bring balance to life. 8 -50 min. sessions 

Pauite Story of North Star Individual Package:  Expressive Arts for working with Grief. How to keep your heart open. 12 50 min. sessions

Story Medicine Packages 

3 months –

6 months –

3. Coaching Individual Sessions 
4. Psychotherapy Individual Sessions


We accept cash, check, and credit cards. Payment is due at the time of your appointment. Please make checks payable to Mindful Practice Inc.

Cancellation Policy
Please provide 24-hour notice in the event that you need to cancel your appointment. You can you use phone, voicemail, or email to let us know. You will be charged your session fee for missed appointments.


Mindful Practice Inc. accepts a limited number of insurance clients for therapy.




Mindfulness is the awareness that arises from being in the present moment with a willingness to accept life as it is coming to you. It leads to greater peace and ease, less reactivity so you can respond to life more from your values, it has been shown improve immune system functioning and reduce inflammation and improve brain health-better attention and concentration and less cognitive decline with aging. 


Foundations: An introduction to four main foundational mindfulness practices applied to issues you are experiencing in your life. 4 session.

MINDFUL LEVEL TWO: Targeted Mindfulness Programs

SAVOR: How happy could you really be? Positive emotions result in good emotional and physical health outcomes and people that are happy in their lives attend to these savoring practice.   

CHALLENGE. Learn to Weather the storms. Storms are coming no matter what we do. We can respond to the challenge presented to us in a way that closes down our life, narrows what’s possible, resulting in living within  a smaller container or we can face things in a way that opens us up and leads to more insight and growth and a bigger capacity for tolerating distress, and more growth for a bigger life. 

MINDFUL EATING: Focuses on our relationship with food. Research has shown that diets don’t work. Change your relationship with food for a healthier life.    

MINDFUL MOVING Focuses on motivating more movement in your life and using movement as a resource to managing challenge. 

MINDFUL FOCUS Attention and concentration are not only crucial for success but also lead to more states of being in the zone, which is linked to happiness. Whether you need to develop your focus at work, school, or with the people you are about concentration is a skill that can be trained and leads to better brain health.

MINDFUL EXPRESSIVE WRITING. For people who want to combine mindfulness with expressive writing. Expressive writing for processing issues, problems solving, and  targeting change. 

MINDFULNESS AND NARRADRAMA. Mindfulness and Narradrama (narrative and expressive art modalities). For people who want to use a more embodied creative process aimed at changing existing narrative about themselves and their lives. 

MINDFUL FAMILIES- Ten sessions for families to build positive connections. Base on the Mindful Family Guidebook.

MINDFUL TEENS-Mindfulness program for teens aged 13-18. 

MINDFUL CHILD– Mindfulness program for children aged 6-12



Somatic Experiencing works with tapping into bodily sensations and linking body awareness to mental and emotional experience. This can help support regulation of our nervous system (which if out of line can give us false signals where we are reacting to threat even when it’s not there-fighting or fleeing), release trapped emotions that zap our energy or give us physical ailments, (resolve trauma responses), and connect physical insights with emotions and mental experiences. 

SOMATIC EXPERIENCING FOUNDATION 8 Sessions. Teaching somatic experiencing tools for getting unstuck and rhythm flowing.

SOMATIC EXPERIENCING FOR PERFORMERS Using somatic experiencing to enhance performance (public speaking, singing, acting, etc.)


I believe people have the power within themselves to change their lives-it’s something we come here with, and story medicine is about creative tools to tap into that internal power source so you can navigate, live in, and manifest the life you’re meant to live. A life of purpose and beauty. A life that lights you up.  

Story Medicine utilizes Mindfulness, Somatic experiencing, Expressive writing and   Intuitive manifested imagination. Imagination is a unique and central resource of story medicine and we come into the world with it. Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge. We miss so much by cutting off this incredible resource we all have but don’t use to inform our life path. Engaging in imagination and expressing that in creative modalities opens up more neural pathways in our brain giving more awareness and a broader perspective and capacity for insight and for what’s possible in our lives.  

STORY MEDICINE QUEST. A six month journey broken into three, 2 month parts. The Asking, Seeking, and Making. 

Mindful Families and Mindful Child Programs

STORY MEDICINE FOR CREATIVE PROJECTS. Use the Story Medicine Quest to dive deep into imagination to develop your creative project. 

Drama Therapy Institute of Los Angeles presents

Look to the Mountain: A Journey of Self Discovery

with  Dr. Renda Dionne Madrigal

Finding Face: A six week group of personal discovery embarking on the individual journey of lifelong learning as a pathway, a sacred way of moving toward completeness or fully becoming ones potential through Mindfulness practice, writing, and narradrama.This is the first in a three-part series (finding face, finding heart, finding foundation).On zoom.

To Sign Up Contact


Mindful Families Workshop Series


Workshop Two: Family Visioning Part Two 


Mindful Families Workshops

What: In our technological and fast-paced world we can become disconnected from ourselves and our families. When families are mindful together, they stay connected, have a greater sense of well-being, and are happier. Through Mindfulness practices, storytelling and nature-based activities families can learn to cultivate connection, respect, and joy in ways that provide protection and nourishment for everyone